HOCH-N Network Day
The HOCHN project is initiated and coordinated by the Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) at Universität Hamburg. It is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from 11/2016 to 10/2018.
On September 28th, the HOCHN network day took place as part of the HSDS and all fields of action presented their research agendas and intermediate results. In the following you find impressions of the working sessions as well as intermediate results of the individual fields of action.
About HOCH-N
Sustainable Higher Education Institutions play a vital part in our society. They educate future generations of leaders, experts and teachers to become change agents. They research on how a sustainable world is possible and they have an organizational responsibility to set good practices. Therefore it is an important but also complex and challenging task to institutionalize sustainable development at Higher Education Institutions. The HOCHN network aims to facilitate this process through collaborative research approaches within different fields of action (see below). Findings and conclusions from research and applied perspectives are compiled and integrated at joint network meetings (so called "PraFo-sessions").
In addition to the main goal to foster sustainable development at Higher Education Institutions four subgoals are defined:
- Establish a program-based network for the exchange of experience
- Establish a shared understanding of sustainability
- Foster means for a sustainable development of Higher Education Institutions
- Develop guidelines for sustainable development at Higher Education Institutions
In connection with the development of a shared understanding of sustainability we strive to extend our network to at least 100 Higher Education Institutions in the course of the two-year project runtime. Furthermore, sustainable development must be conceptualized in a global context. Our efforts therefor also aim to establish and strenghten international networks.
Project coordination at Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Alexander Bassen, Dr. Claudia Schmitt, Christine Stecker, Cordula Rüth
Networking at Universität Hamburg
Dr. Claudia Schmitt, Wolfgang Denzler
Networking at University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Christ, Bror Giesenbauer